getch function in C Programming

getch function

The `getch()` function in C is a non-standard function provided by some compilers (like Borland) for console input without echoing characters to the screen. It's typically used for simple text-based console programs and is commonly employed to implement various utilities like menus, password input, or simple text-based games. However, it's important to note that `getch()` is not part of the C standard library (specified in ANSI C or ISO C standards).


int getch(void);

Return Value:

  • Returns the ASCII value of the character read from the input without echoing it to the screen.
  • Returns `-1` if there is no input available or an error occurs.

Example Usage:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h> // This header file includes getch() function

int main() {
    char ch;

    printf("Enter a character: ");
    ch = getch(); // Read a character without echoing it
    printf("\nYou entered: %c\n", ch);

    return 0;

Important Notes:

  • `getch()` reads a single character from the keyboard without waiting for the Enter key to be pressed.
  • It does not display the character typed on the screen.
  • Since `getch()` is non-standard, its behavior and availability may vary across different compilers and platforms. It's commonly found in older compilers and not necessarily supported by newer ones or on non-Windows platforms.
  • For Unix/Linux environments, a similar functionality can be achieved using `getchar()` in combination with terminal settings manipulation libraries like `curses` or `ncurses`.


  • `getchar()`: Standard C function for reading a single character from the standard input. It waits for the Enter key to be pressed and echoes characters to the screen.
  • Libraries like `ncurses` or `curses` provide more advanced functionalities for terminal-based input handling, including non-blocking input, screen positioning, and color support.

While `getch()` can be useful for simple console programs, its non-standard nature and potential portability issues should be considered when writing code intended for broader use. It's often better to use standard functions or libraries for terminal input handling, especially in more complex or portable applications.


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