fscanf Function in C Programming

fscanf Function

The `fscanf` function in C is used to read formatted input from a file stream. It's part of the standard input/output library (`stdio.h`). Below is a detailed explanation of its functionality:


int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);


  • `stream`: A pointer to the `FILE` structure representing the input file stream.
  • `format`: A string that specifies the format of the expected input. It may contain conversion specifiers (like `%d`, `%f`, `%s`, etc.) that match the types of the corresponding arguments.
  • Additional arguments: Pointers to the variables where the read values will be stored. These variables should match the types specified by the format string.

Return Value:

  • Upon successful completion, `fscanf` returns the number of items successfully read and assigned. This value can be less than the number of format specifiers in the format string if there are fewer items available to read, or if a matching failure occurs.
  • If an error occurs or if the end-of-file is reached before any input is read, `EOF` is returned.


  • 1. Reading Formatted Input: `fscanf` reads data from the file stream `stream` according to the format specified by the `format` string.
  • 2. Conversion and Assignment: It interprets the input data according to the conversion specifiers in the `format` string and assigns the converted values to the specified variables.
  • 3. Whitespace Handling: `fscanf` skips leading whitespace characters (like spaces, tabs, newlines) before attempting to read input data, unless specified otherwise in the format string.
  • 4. Error Handling: If any conversion failure occurs (e.g., an attempt to read a character as an integer), `fscanf` stops processing and returns the number of successful assignments made so far.



int main() {
    FILE *file_ptr;
    int num1, num2;

    // Open the file for reading
    file_ptr = fopen("input.txt", "r");

    // Read two integers from the file
    fscanf(file_ptr, "%d %d", &num1, &num2);

    // Close the file

    // Print the read values
    printf("Read values: %d, %d\n", num1, num2);

    return 0;


  • The `fscanf` function is often used in conjunction with `fopen`, `fclose`, and other file handling functions to perform input/output operations on files.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the format string matches the actual format of the data in the file to avoid incorrect results or errors during reading.
  • It's important to handle error cases, such as when `fscanf` returns `EOF` or a value less than the expected number of assignments.

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